Burberry benefit from the market surge 14% on quarter

Burberry benefit from the market surge 14% on quarter

London time on January 18 afternoon, the British luxury brand burberry outlet eagerly quarterly report, the global on-quarter growth of 14% year on year, of which the Chinese retail market has become the Burberry one of the engine of business growth, sales growth of more than three.
Burberry reported a performance, the stock immediately rose about 4%, FTSE100 today among the best in the London Stock Exchange. The company believes that consumers have not only returned to the luxury market, but also demonstrated the importance of emerging markets such as China. The Burberry recently in China also increased efforts to control the shop, just opened its Beijing store.
Burberry basic information
Burberry sale is a very traditional style of the British luxury brand, and its multi-level product line to meet the needs of different age and gender of consumers, the adoption of retail, wholesale and licensing, etc. make it known worldwide reputation.
Burberry was founded in 1856, the British Royal Royal supplies. Over the past few decades, Burberry mainly in the production of raincoats, umbrellas and scarves with the main emphasis now Burberry design of traditional British elegance, to win the hearts and minds of countless people, as an eternal brand!
Founder: Thomas Burberry
Designer: Christopher Bailey
Brand products: clothing, shoes, purses, handbags, watches,
burberry scarf and neckties and perfumes
Brand Line:
Burberrys: Apparel
prorsumhorse: jewelry and other
Design style: noble, elegant, practical and classic

Source from: www.burberryoutletsaleok.com

Par dulylu01 le mercredi 19 janvier 2011


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