The nobility brand GUCCI symbol of status and wealth

The nobility brand GUCCI symbol of status and wealth

Founder Guccio Gucci Founded GUCCI brand in 1923. Located in Florence, Gucci Group is the largest Italian fashion group, Gucci also operate outside than fashion gucci bags, gucci shoes, watches, home accessories, pet supplies, scarves, neckties, perfumes and so on.

Gucci has always been high-end fashion brands, luxury, sexy and famous, as "a symbol of status and wealth," Brand become rich consumer darling of high society, the business community has always been favored, while yet elegant fashion. Gucci is now Italy's largest fashion groups.

The last century, the Italian Gucci lived in Europe London and Paris, monasteries, his clothes on the local fashion taste gradual experience. Back to Florence in 1921, he opened a specialized high-end luggage accessories and equestrian supplies store, selling the best local craftsmen from the exquisite leather goods, and apply a GUCCI logo. Only a few years time, this store has attracted a number of domestic and international background of the customer. This great success, prompting European Gucci uk in Rome in 1938 opened the first store.

After World War II, due to lack of raw materials, GUCCI introduction of a variety of distinctive linen and bamboo instead. Introduced in the late 1940s, "Bamboo Bag", the history of the Gucci more left an indelible mark. Its shape from the side saddle inspired, bamboo handles shaped and colored by temperature. Now, "Bamboo Bag" has become a celebrity favorite accessories, including the Greek Queen Federica, Grace Kelly, Elizabeth Taylor and Deborah Kerr, also a famous movie director Michelangelo Antonioni has also adopted a number of occasions in this bag. This section gucci bags are still selling, in addition to quality and process assurance, style and materials also tend to modernization, a Gucci one of the most representative models.

Gucci designs are very popular around the world, in addition to Tuscan family, but also to attract wealthy foreign tourists, Gucci unique style reflects the tastes of international customers. Design concept of the factory is considered the birthplace of fashion, but also around other people learn to enjoy life. GUCCI new products to market immediately sold out, it immediately became followers of choice for culture.

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Par dulylu01 le vendredi 31 décembre 2010


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