Unique grid style of burberry outlet brand

Unique grid style of burberry outlet brand

If you can not control the lattice mood to spread, and around the clothes, shoes, scarves and even an umbrella brand, without exception, marked lattice; if not enjoyable, also want to use the character from the grid box, neatly, not partial do not lean, it can be your only wanton burberry outlet, it will completely solve the British style of your Love "lattice" complex.

Burberry's signature Burberry plaid is a symbol of family identity and status. This from the beige, black, red, white, coarse form of a fine of three cross pattern, not play, not charming, mature and rational nature exudes charm, history and reflects the quality of Burberry, and even the national symbol of the British and culture.

Burberry clothing from the first launch date has been a long history, today in the world, Burberry box designs that have become typical sign of high quality and durability.

With traditional, refined products like the design style and production, in 1955, Burberry was obtained from Queen Elizabeth granted the "Royal Warrant (Royal Warrant)" badge. Later in 1989, Burberry has won the Prince of Wales awarded the "Royal Warrant" badge. In 1967, it began Burberry plaid with a well-known in the umbrellas, bags and scarves, and increasingly demonstrates the characteristics of Burberry products.

In 1970, Burberry East 57 Street, New York flagship store opened. In 1980, burberry sale growing retail business in the United States, except New York, the San Francisco, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington and other places can see the chain stores. In 1997, Ross  Mary Bravo as Burberry's chief executive, a new management team to bring new Burberry look. New boutique design, the new sequence and the unique advertising products, so that the old Burberry brand new life.

In 1999, Bravo invited Britain's most famous fashion model Kate Moss as Burberry shot a group of advertising inserts and posters. Even today in a poster is still regarded as a classic, Kate Moss dressed in plaid wedding with the groom wearing a plaid coat, held a "lattice of England wedding," wedding with all the guests were wearing Burberry Lige children clothing, wedding with all the appliances are also Burberry Lige child as decoration. These posters everywhere rave reviews, it not only Burberry again become a popular fashion brand, and let the brand quickly by consumers of all ages.

In the new century, Burberry bags have been its enduring fashion, become a symbol of quality of life. 2000 and 2001, Burberry won the British Fashion Council, both classical and modern design of the series award. In the 21st century, Burberry Lijia fast pace of its global expansion. September 2000, its global flagship store in London, New Bond Street opened. October 2001, Burberry's flagship store to open in Los Angeles to the Hollywood star-studded Beverly Hills. Since then, Burberry in Germany, Spain, Italy, Russia, Japan has built some of the important cities in the store for more unique style.

Source from: www.burberryoutletsales.com

Par dulylu01 le vendredi 31 décembre 2010


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